Church of the Holy Conception (Holy Father)

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Nativity detail:
Mary and the Holy Child

This is a crib among the most visited by the Genoese people, also because it is located in a very central area. It displays numerous statues of different origin and sizes. The most precious ones date back to 18th century; beside the three Kings, there are peasants, common people and beggars, all heading for the cave where the Holy Family is housed. The scenary is that of a countryside, but a seaside village is visible in the background.

	Magi di giorno

The Kings by day

The narration is vividly underscored by the light effects, which create the illusion of a pale rosy dawn, followed by the bright noon, and then by the long shadows of the afternoon, vanishing in the red sunset. And finally the night, dark, but full of stars, among which the famous comet outstands.

Among the most interesting figures, some wooden dummies of Neapolitan school and some animal sculptures, such as the one representing a fallen donkey.

Magi di notte

The Kings by night

Uomo con vacca

A herdsman and the sea in the background

Asino recelcitrante

The fallen donkey

Folla con mendicante

Some people and a beggar

WHERE ~ The crib is exposed in the oratory built with this specific purpose next to the church of the Holy Conception, best known as "Holy Father" , in Cappuccini square, very close to the central Corvetto square.

Some information was taken from publications of ~ Comune di Genova~

© Carla Marchetti ~ 2004
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